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Sunday, March 17, 2013

A visit to the tourist attractions in Kuala Lumpur

Offers Malaysia 2013

Tourist days in Kuala Lumpur, Twin Albrgien, Towers, Kuala Lumpur, a garden fish, Petrjaya, Malaysia's Palace of Culture

Eighth day
1 - Visit the towers Altoimin (Towers, Kuala Lumpur) and the existing market which Asems Syria to the ICC, but this market prices are very expensive compared to other markets and hiking in the garden of the towers and around the magnificent lake in front of the gate Syria to the CC


 2entry garden fish "Alakwerea" directly next to the twin towers and this garden contains many large and small fish and sharks and other species
 3Visit the political capital of Malaysia Petrjayh (Petrjaya) City twenty-first century and built on an artificial lake giant and built upon 11 Bridge Bzacharov and style Amrani very modern and now has been transferred most of the ministries and government institutions to it and can rent a boat and work Tour artificial lake or buy tickets for a boat big spins around the lake full and faithful lunch and level the boat sophisticated very Ka Do not forget زياة great Hall located on the other side of Petra Past it's actually an architectural masterpiece behind of w Muaha Ola Tabba and determination and zeal and to its side of a bridge at the lake decorated with exquisite Islamic

 4Malaysian visit the Palace of Culture and then Lake Titi revised the SA and Alice now called Eye on Malaysia and the largest wheel in the world where you can climb and during rotation and height you can see you can see very many parts of Kuala Lumpur and prefer to visit this area beforesunset and stay there for the night, where is held often great deals in the lake which Sbme water, which enables you to see Hchh Cinema on water scattered artfully qualifies for that and held also offers another view of antiquity and fireworks from the Algeski and other, but thisGames have specific periods and Atqam every day of the year
The cost of a full day = RM 250 for normal days and 300 RM summer day, "a small 4 passenger car"
The cost of a full day = RM 400 for normal days and 400 RM summer days, "the family 10 passengers"


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